women healthy

Getting rid of cellulite

Stretch marks, cellulite, and scars are all common things that happen to your bodies when they experience some kind of immediate change. Though embracing your bodies and learning to accept yourselves ­ insecurities and all, it is okay to turn to modern medicine and innovation to boost our health, appearance and confidence. Carboxytherapy is an alternative to more invasive procedures, it is the process of treating stretch marks, cellulite, scars and wrinkles with carbon dioxide(CO2) which returns the skin to a healthy, and even condition.

cellulite under the skinCarboxytherapy stemmed and was developed in the Royal Spas of France in 1932 and was used for treating peripheral artery disease (PAD) which is a common circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to your limbs. In South America and Europe, carboxytherapy began being utilized for cellulite, stretch marks and scar or wound treatment. Studies have proven that it aids with circulation, skin elasticity, destroys fatty deposits and reduces fine wrinkles. Carbon dioxide is able to destroy fat cells beneath the skin and also increase the blood flow to the fibrous tissues beneath the layer of skin. With increased blood supply, your tissue will get thicker with less fat in between it.

For stretch marks carboxytherapy will cause the amount of fibroblasts at the area of the stretch marks to grow. Fibroblasts are a source of collagen which is what gives skin its elasticity, and suppleness. Carbon dioxide will also restore a normal and even toned­ complexion because of the increased blood supply the tissue is receiving. After several sessions, the marks will disappear leaving healthy renewed skin. The session begins with a doctor examining your body to determine the amount of CO2 to administer. It will take between 10­/15 minutes where the CO2 will be injected under the skin using a less than 0.3mm caliber needle. There is no recovery period or pre operative process as there is no anesthesia involved in the session. The side effects are very little, with only redness or slight numbness occurring at the site of treatment. Sessions can last from 4­/16 sessions with as little as a day in between each one, this will be determined by your doctor.

Female belly with pregnancy stretch marks closeup
Female belly with pregnancy stretch marks closeup

Some would argue that CO2 is a toxic substance like Botox or chemical peelers. However, being a naturally occurring gas within our bodies, CO2 injections have not shown to pose any known risks after therapy sessions. The increase in CO2 can in fact aid with increased blood flow and reducing fat cells, which is beneficial. If you are interested in a safer, more natural method of improving the skin using medical advances, Carboxytherapy is a great option.

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